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Phase 1: AI, The Next Gen Z

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

Technology continues to develop throughout the years as we combat the growing demand of natural resources. From starting a fire with some sticks and pebbles to butane-fueled flamethrower. It takes less time to adopt and create innovative ways to simplify the work of humans. We’ve come long enough that we can almost produce a sophisticated consciousness that questions our role as being a normal human. I mean, only gods can create such creatures that can talk and interact with its other self. With the creation of AI, are we defying the rule of human and dictating ourselves with the gods?

AI is truly revolutionary as it aids the current generation to propel for convenience, safety and efficiency. From road traffic, AI can determine the fastest route that you can take and can estimate the time of your arrival. AI can also be used in the means for safety. Cars are now equipped with AI that can take over the driving when the owner is in state of trouble like over speeding. Thus, narrowing car accidents and less casualties.

A.I also plays a huge part in the field of medicine. From different operational procedures to different diagnostics. A.I can determine approximate conclusions based on it given medical datas. This machine is also used in creating different medicinal products. With its coded algorithms, it can help scientists and doctors in producing cures and vaccines. Through different simulations, future surgeons can practice their skills without harming anyone in the process.

It’s pretty clear to say that AI has been a crucial part of today’s generation. Present in our smartphones and media, we almost depend ourselves in the works of AI that limits our own capabilities. Worse, AI might took us over by unintentionally crippling ourselves because of our dependency on it and our stubbornness. As the fate decides how will AI and humans will interact with each other in the near future.

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