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Phase 2.2: Fly Me to the Moon

Humanity has always reached beyond its grasp. Exploring what lies overneath the surface of the earth, questioning what is waiting over the atmosphere. Space exploration, a once race that ignited curiosity of exploring the outside. A race between the Soviet and the U.S in sending the first person in space, marking their innovation and advancement in technology. He who wins can show their pride for their country and rub it against their opponents. With this timeline of events, humanity was eager to win and develop highly sophisticated methods in sending their men to space. Some tried different rocket modifications that burn fuel efficiently and cheaper while others played around different fuel which best for space traveling.

Without any prior knowledge about space exploration, its difficult to determine the best possible way in sending humans to space without jeopardizing their main mission which is sending the first human in space. This is where A.I can come to play, see A.I at its early age isn’t perfect or advanced as we have now. Before, A.I’s were used only to calculate numbers and mostly featured in films as a branch of Science fiction films. Today, A.I is currently tilting towards reality from fiction to reality as described before. A.I is now used to determine and make calculations on efficient ways on making sustainable living on the other terrestrial bodies. Mars, the red planet. Since then we have an eye on Mars as we named it “earth two” as it exhibits the possibility of another earth and a sustainable habitat for humans.

NASA is planning on sending the first colony on mars around the year 2033, before reaching that time, a home must be constructed before they’re arrival. Space exploration is expensive, a main concern why every thing that is sent out to space must be carefully researched whether it's necessary. Building a home on Mars and having a sustainable one of the key research in space exploration, deterring the home design that can withstand any climate and disaster on the surface of Mars. Best materials to use are cheap, sturdy enough to make a stable home and light enough to be sent in space. The terrestrial landscape is also a factor needed to be considered. But how can we do research on the land if we haven’t fully scratched its surface. A.I. is open to aid us, by feeding them the information that we had today on Mars. From different aerial shots by satellites crossing over the atmosphere of Mars, they can make accurate calculations on the part of Mars that is the best place to construct the future colony on Mars.

This part of technology has proven that we are eager to determine on acquiring new lands for the future of humanity before it reaches overpopulation. Exploring heavenly bodies that rotates around the sun and someday space tourism will be a thing with the help of A.I. flying me to the moon may never be the same song again.

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